[Video] Emma Olofsson dares to be different in 'Sanctuary'
Fearless in being herself, dedicated to doing things her way and unapologetic about being who she is.
We started DEITY in 2004 to give cyclists a home with a brand that really understands them, stands by them in the long term and identifies with them. We're misfits in this industry and we're proud of it. We ride at our own pace, our compass is different from other people's and we've always known that some people will understand... and others won't. From the moment we saw Emma Olofsson on a bike, we knew that her DNA fit who we are... fearless in being herself, dedicated to doing things her way and unapologetic about being who she is. In an industry that is currently cannibalizing itself, that has outgrown its capabilities, that is owned by investors and is now disregarding all the aspects that made it once great... it is terrible to see that riders, photographers and filmmakers are the first to be cut. Why is that? Investors and "companies" can't see how important these fundamental pillars are to them and to the scene, so when a penny has to be saved... it's at the expense of the people. It's the riders who make these "companies" have an identity beyond a product. We repeatedly say that there is a difference between a "brand" and a "company" and we can see the results when adversity hits. In 2004, when we started DEITY... it was the riders, the real brands, the photographers, the media and the filmmakers who dictated the direction of this scene. Now, too much power has been given to the "companies", too much control, and this has left riders, photographers and filmmakers at the mercy of a company's decisions and its ability to manage its business correctly. There has never been a time when so many riders have been laid off in December and January. Literally, the rug was pulled out from under their feet. To say that it's just "business" is a dry view of relationships and disrespectful to those who put themselves on the line every day to represent their sponsors, to the photographers and finalists who carry 60 kilos on their backs to bring you the best images from around the world. What are these people going to do in January? Without a team, without a sponsor, with pay cuts and without knowing why they are risking themselves for an industry that doesn't protect them. This project with Emma is a testament to the drive, art, skill, creativity and passion that these cyclists and creatives have. As we look to the future... we're looking forward to a revolution. A revolution in which riders, photographers, filmmakers, brands and the media take back the power. When that day comes... the cream will rise to the top of the entire industry. When that day comes... this industry will once again be a SANCTUARY for riders.
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